Friday, August 13, 2010

Bring on the adorable outfits

It only took 2 weeks and 2 days, but Emmett's umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday! Now that it's off, we can dress him in various one-piece outfits that snap at the crotch. I've been eager to put him in some of these clothes!

The outfit that he's wearing in this picture is actually the first piece of clothing that we bought for him. We bought it during Christmas break when we were in Vermont visiting family. This was early in the pregnancy (I was only about 8 weeks pregnant) and I'd told my family a few days before this. (We waited until January, and until after we'd seen/heard a heartbeat to tell anyone else.) There are some funny quotes from my nephew Max (now 10) when we told the family, including, "I'm flabbergasted and I don't quite believe it" and "I hope Uncle Adam is responsible." Anyway, we went to Montpelier for the day and we stopped at the Zutano store. Adam and I immediately fell in love with this outfit--there are little dogs on it, and bones, and doghouses, and words like "sit" and "stay." It looked like the sort of thing that would work well for either a girl or a boy. At the time, we had no idea that it's actually quite easy to find dog-themed clothes for a baby, nor did we realize quite how many pieces of baby clothing we'd end up with by the time he was born. Still, there's something very special about choosing clothes for a baby together. Later we have "first outfit bought after finding out it's a boy" (a stripey shirt with a monkey pirate on it).

I wanted to get a better picture of this outfit, but somebody peed on it during a diaper change before I had the chance to do so. Certainly there'll be other chances, though!

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